36 degrees and it’s get­ting hot­ter – avoid heat stress in cows.

Cow heat stress

The first heat wave may be over but the sum­mer has just begun. For cows, these high tem­per­a­tures mean mas­sive stress. They can only part­ly release body heat through their skin, and stand­ing up or pant­i­ng hard­ly makes them any cool­er. The oppo­site in fact: Because of its move­ments the cow chews less cud and eats less. At the same time it los­es more sali­va and with it the buffer sub­stance that is need­ed for its rumen. Min­er­als are also lost because they are excret­ed through sweat.

One of the first con­se­quences of the heat is degra­da­tion of milk com­po­nents and milk yield as well as an increase in cell num­bers (see fig­ure). Mid- to long-term con­se­quences include sub­clin­i­cal aci­do­sis, abo­ma­sum, pre­ma­ture death, and missed pregnancies.

In order to pre­vent heat stress we rec­om­mend fol­low­ing the tips list­ed below.

Cow drinking water

Some Tips:

Press con­tact

Beat­rix Weinrich