Legal Notice.

365FarmNet GmbH
Hausvogteiplatz 10
10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 259 32 95 00
Fax: +49 30 259 32 95 01

Com­mer­cial Registry:
Amts­gericht Char­lot­ten­burg HRB 192189 B

VAT No.:

Dr. Nils-Hol­ger Schmidt

Dis­claimer All rights reserved. Users of this infor­ma­tion­al ser­vice may not use any logos, logo­types or images for their own pur­pos­es, irre­spec­tive of their nature, and all logos, logo­types and images remain ful­ly sub­ject to the copy­right, image copy­right and trade­mark rights of the holder/sources. Trade­marks: The above-men­tioned trade­marks are reg­is­tered of the indi­vid­ual man­u­fac­tur­ers and are pro­tect­ed by them as such against any unau­tho­rized use.

The down­load­ing of files takes place at the user’s own risk. We can­not be made liable for any dam­age that may occur imme­di­ate­ly or lat­er after down­load­ing nor for the use of such data.

Our sites are linked with oth­er sites on the Inter­net for which the fol­low­ing applies: We explic­it­ly declare that we had

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The con­tents of our web­sites were care­ful­ly com­posed. Nev­er­the­less errors and mis­takes may occur for which we shall not assume any liability.

Please inquire about indi­vid­ual cas­es. We are grate­ful for being noti­fied of such mis­takes or errors. By using the offered infor­ma­tion you bind­ing­ly accept the above stat­ed conditions.