Use vari­able rate appli­ca­tion on your fields.

Get start­ed with pre­ci­sion farm­ing with us easily.

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Sup­port your crop cul­ti­va­tion deci­sions with Pre­ci­sion Farming

The pos­si­bil­i­ties in arable farm­ing are becom­ing increas­ing­ly com­plex and more and more deci­sions are hav­ing to be made at the same time. Main­tain an overview with dig­i­tal solu­tions. Take on your farm­ing chal­lenges with the Pre­ci­sion Farm­ing appli­ca­tions from 365FarmNet.

Exten­sive soft­ware solu­tions from 365FarmNet for your first steps in Pre­ci­sion Farming.

Down­load Flyer

Appli­ca­tion maps and soil samples

With the com­po­nent you can quick­ly and eas­i­ly cre­ate one or more appli­ca­tion maps using avail­able field data (cur­rent­ly only soil sam­ple results) and then use them on your fields.

Our region­al sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives are avail­able to help you with the plan­ning and tak­ing of soil sam­ples and for any­thing else that you may need help with. You can use the avail­able mas­ter data from the 365FarmNet plat­form to assign the maps.

Soil samples

Crop View – Satel­lite data for sow­ing, fer­til­is­ing and plant protection

CLAAS Crop View

You can use this com­po­nent to deter­mine the veg­e­ta­tion dif­fer­ences in your fields and cre­ate poten­tial and appli­ca­tion maps based on this infor­ma­tion. You can check the ripen­ing of your crops and work out the opti­mal har­vest­ing sequence with a field comparison.

The com­po­nent is easy to use and can quick­ly process cur­rent and his­tor­i­cal satel­lite data. By inte­grat­ing this com­po­nent into the 365FarmNet plat­form, satel­lite images can be dis­played direct­ly on your fields and you can opti­mal­ly plan your measures.



Most fields have a het­ero­ge­neous sur­face. You can use the Field­plan­ner com­po­nent to plan your routes from a bird’s‑eye-view in advance and find the opti­mal route. It can help you to reduce turns to a min­i­mum or bet­ter incor­po­rate com­plex field boundaries.

You can eas­i­ly find routes from pre­vi­ous work steps and opti­mal­ly coor­di­nate dif­fer­ent mea­sures. You can pre­pare every­thing in advance before start­ing work in the field.


Fields of prac­tice for Pre­ci­sion Farming

Increas­ing mech­a­ni­sa­tion and advanced sen­sor tech­nol­o­gy in the agri­cul­tur­al sec­tor offer new oppor­tu­ni­ties. Net­worked appli­ca­tions are need­ed in order to use the col­lect­ed data and the infor­ma­tion as a basis for deci­sion-mak­ing. With the soft­ware solu­tions from 365FarmNet, data can be doc­u­ment­ed, com­bined and eval­u­at­ed. This way, mea­sures can be planned and imple­ment­ed in a tar­get­ed way.

Present the facts and make decisions

Today, agri­cul­tur­al process­es are more com­plex than ever before. In arable farm­ing in par­tic­u­lar var­i­ous dif­fer­ent ter­mi­nals and sen­sors are used on machines to col­lect data from every­where – the time has now come to use this data. Make your busi­ness deci­sions based on a sol­id foun­da­tion and use all the avail­able infor­ma­tion about your farm – all in one platform.

All your data in one place

All the infor­ma­tion from the entire farm comes togeth­er in the 365FarmNet plat­form. The data can be record­ed, analysed and man­aged from any­where. The details of the work steps can be record­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly and then assigned to the respec­tive process­es. This means that you can man­age your entire farm from the palm of your hand.

Apply nutri­ents exact­ly where they are needed

Fer­til­i­sa­tion is often sub­ject to strict con­straints due to var­i­ous require­ments or the desire to save costs. To make sure that your fields still get all the nutri­ents that they need, you must work effi­cient­ly and, ide­al­ly, take care of each indi­vid­ual plant. You achieve this with infor­ma­tion-guid­ed crop pro­duc­tion and Pre­ci­sion Farming.

Keep every inch of your fields under control

The prop­er­ties of your field sur­faces can some­times vary in very small areas due to changes in soil struc­ture and nutri­ent con­tent. This results in het­ero­ge­neous plant pop­u­la­tions. With the help of satel­lite data, you can con­vert these dif­fer­ences into poten­tial maps and then appli­ca­tions maps. The dif­fer­ent zones give you an opti­mal plan­ning basis for car­ry­ing out soil sam­ples. You can then dis­play the results from these sam­ples in nutri­ent-based appli­ca­tion maps and use them.

Bernhard Kaindl

„The pro­gram is self-explana­to­ry. The longer you work with it, the eas­i­er it gets.“

Bern­hard Kaindl, Dairy farm­ing and crop cul­ti­va­tion, Wackersdorf
Christian Volck

„I was amazed at the avail­abil­i­ty of always hav­ing it close at hand on all my devices.“

Chris­t­ian Vol­ck, Crop Cul­ti­va­tion, Rönnau

This is how it works:

365FarmNet makes the move to dig­i­tal farm­ing eas­i­er for you.

Reg­is­ter for free

Sim­ply acti­vate your account – no down­load or instal­la­tion required.

Reg­is­ter for free

Cre­ate mas­ter data

By record­ing the mas­ter data, you can ben­e­fit from the analy­sis and doc­u­men­ta­tion functions.

View tuto­r­i­al

Add com­po­nents

Also enter the func­tions that fit your busi­ness perfectly.

Dis­cov­er components

Use 365FarmNet on the go

With our free farm­ing apps, you can man­age your busi­ness, crops or your herd from anywhere.

Get to know the apps

Take your first steps into dig­i­tal farm­ing with the click of a button.

Save time, mon­ey and resources now with the lead­ing agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware from 365FarmNet — no down­loads, no hid­den costs, no risk.

Try it now for free