Appli­ca­tion Maps.

Sim­ply more effi­cient sow­ing and fertilising.

Try it now for free

Apply nutri­ents cor­rect­ly and accu­rate­ly with appli­ca­tion maps

The Appli­ca­tion Maps Mod­ule allows you to gen­er­ate quick­ly and sim­ply one or more appli­ca­tion maps based on exist­ing are­al data (from soil sam­ple maps and yield maps) and to use these on the respec­tive fields. To gen­er­ate the maps you use the rel­e­vant data on field infor­ma­tion, fer­tilis­ers, seeds, units, etc. direct­ly from the 365FarmNet plat­form. There is no need to enter data more than once. You are tak­en step by step through the appli­ca­tion for gen­er­at­ing the maps. It will then be sim­ple for you to down­load the appli­ca­tion maps in Shape for­mate or to send them as an ISO XML instruc­tion to your terminal.

The Appli­ca­tion Maps Mod­ule is an ide­al exten­sion to your poten­tial maps from the Crop View mod­ule, which are based on the analy­sis of satel­lite data.

Application Maps

The Appli­ca­tion Maps Mod­ule offers you the following

Screenshot Application Maps
  • Exist­ing are­al data (e.g. soil sam­ple maps and yield maps) can be used sim­ply and intu­itive­ly as the basis for appli­ca­tion maps.
  • Fields can be fil­tered by field num­ber, field name, oper­a­tion and type of crop.
  • Graph­ic selec­tion of fields pro­vides fast field selec­tion control.
  • Appli­ca­tion maps for sev­er­al fields can be gen­er­at­ed simultaneously.
  • Data can be export­ed via ISO XML (the mod­ule must be booked) or direct­ly down­loaded (.shp file).

Cur­rent­ly soil sam­ple results already exist­ing as are­al data are sup­port­ed. Oth­er data can be rein­te­grat­ed, if they have pre­vi­ous­ly been con­vert­ed to an area map, for exam­ple, by means of interpolation.

All are­al data and plan­ning aids vis­i­ble in one place

There can be major fluc­tu­a­tions in soil con­di­tions and the nutri­ent sup­ply with­in one field. For this rea­son soil sam­ples are an impor­ta­tion basis for needs-based hus­bandry. With the data from the sam­ple you can deter­mine in which areas there is a lack of nutri­ents and whether there are fur­ther vari­a­tions in the dif­fer­ent areas. The appli­ca­tion maps allow you to com­pare this infor­ma­tion with all the oth­er rel­e­vant data from the 365FarmNet plat­form, analyse all the data togeth­er and cul­ti­vate each sub-area to meet its spe­cif­ic needs.

Soil sam­ples – Inte­grate the results from soil sam­ples from your farm onto the 365Farmnet platform.

Nutri­ents – The lab­o­ra­to­ry results allow you to dis­play each rel­e­vant nutri­ent on the area and to plan your pro­ce­dures accordingly.

Appli­ca­tion maps – Take indi­vid­ual deci­sions on quan­ti­ty of fer­tilis­ers, type of fer­tilis­er or seed sow­ing den­si­ty in accor­dance with soil sam­ple results.

Fur­ther appli­ca­tions in this domain are avail­able in our mod­ules on crop cul­ti­va­tion.

Screenshot Application Maps

Data shar­ing

In order to be able to use this part­ner com­po­nent, it is impor­tant that the fol­low­ing data cat­e­gories are released. With the data release I here­by agree that the indi­vid­ual data from the data cat­e­gories list­ed are also trans­ferred to the provider of the part­ner com­po­nent so that they can make avail­able the func­tion­al­i­ties request­ed in the part­ner component.

  • Fer­til­iz­er
  • Account infor­ma­tion (iden­ti­ty and location)
  • Field infor­ma­tion
  • Crop infor­ma­tion
  • Vari­ety information
  • Oper­at­ing information
  • Oper­a­tions
  • GIS data

Test con­di­tions

  • 10 days of free tri­al access
  • The test phase ends auto­mat­i­cal­ly with no sub­se­quent obligations
  • Unlim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty dur­ing the test period


  • The price for the com­po­nent is 9.99 EUR/month excl. VAT.
  • Invoic­ing occurs togeth­er with oth­er booked com­po­nents in the first month of use, if applic­a­ble with pro rata invoic­ing for the component

Con­tract terms

  • Min­i­mum term 1 month
  • Once the min­i­mum term has expired, the con­tract is auto­mat­i­cal­ly renewed for a peri­od of 1 month
  • The con­tract can be ter­mi­nat­ed with a notice peri­od of one month from the end of the indi­vid­ual account­ing month. How­ev­er, not before the end of the min­i­mum term
  • Ter­mi­na­tion is car­ried out online at the 365FarmNet Shop by dis­con­tin­u­ing the component
  • Invoic­ing occurs togeth­er with oth­er booked com­po­nents in the first month of use, if applic­a­ble with pro rata invoic­ing for the component
  • Invoic­ing will occur at a fixed price per account

The Appli­ca­tions Map Mod­ule is avail­able exclu­sive­ly in Ger­many, France, Aus­tria, Poland and Switzerland.

Christian Langeder

„Der größte Nutzen für mich ist diese Trans­parenz, dass ich auch mal die Kosten sehe.“

Zum Inter­view

Chris­t­ian Langed­er, Pig farm and crop cul­ti­va­tion, Oberösterreich
Christian Volck

„Über­raschend war die Ver­füg­barkeit, dass ich es zu jed­erzeit auf allen Geräten zur Hand habe.“

Zum Inter­view

Chris­t­ian Vol­ck, Crop Cul­ti­va­tion, Rönnau

This is how it works:

365FarmNet makes the move to dig­i­tal farm­ing eas­i­er for you.

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Reg­is­ter for free

Cre­ate mas­ter data

By record­ing the mas­ter data, you can ben­e­fit from the analy­sis and doc­u­men­ta­tion functions.

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Use 365FarmNet on the go

With our free farm­ing apps, you can man­age your busi­ness, crops or your herd from anywhere.

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Save time, mon­ey and resources now with the lead­ing agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware from 365FarmNet — no down­loads, no hid­den costs, no risk.

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This may also inter­est you


Our ser­vice depart­ment is avail­able for you if you have any ques­tions about our free agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware. Also use our FAQ or help func­tion in 365FarmNet.


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Find out more about our free, mul­ti­func­tion­al apps for improv­ing oper­a­tional, crop and herd management.


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