Digi­tise your arable oper­a­tions and reap the rewards.

Crop plan­ning, nutri­ent man­age­ment, field cat­a­logu­ing and sim­ple doc­u­men­ta­tion made to suit any farm.

Try it now for free

Grow into the future with 365FarmNet 

Suc­cess­ful crop cul­ti­va­tion requires a great deal of time both in the field and in the office. For­ward plan­ning, con­stant atten­tion and the abil­i­ty to make good, fast deci­sions about cul­ti­va­tion activ­i­ties are the build­ing blocks for achiev­ing good yields. Doc­u­men­ta­tion duties and require­ments such as fer­tilis­er reg­u­la­tions also require a great deal of care and take up a large amount of time. Mis­takes and missed dead­lines can be expensive.

Our dig­i­tal solu­tions help you to plan your crops with clar­i­ty, sim­pli­fy your paper­work and com­pli­ance with fer­tilis­er reg­u­la­tions, auto­mate your doc­u­men­ta­tion and make reli­able decisions.

Try out our field cat­a­logue and relat­ed appli­ca­tions today and start sav­ing time, mon­ey and resources.

Free field cat­a­logue – all your fields at a glance

Our field cat­a­logue tells you every­thing there is to know about your fields, includ­ing a mul­ti-year crop sum­ma­ry and com­plet­ed activ­i­ties in one view.

  • Plan, send and post activ­i­ties with ease
  • Use post tem­plates to sim­pli­fy documentation
  • Doc­u­ment straight from the field – view and post activ­i­ties in the 365Crop app
  • Field-spe­cif­ic nutri­ent balance
  • Clear har­vest and nutri­ent reports
  • Cost and activ­i­ty account­ing leads to con­tri­bu­tion mar­gin II

Use our field cat­a­logue for free, regard­less of your farm size. Sim­ply reg­is­ter and get started.

Maize sowing

DELOS Nutri­ent Man­age­ment – easy and reli­able fer­tilis­er reg­u­la­tion compliance

The Nutri­ent Man­age­ment com­po­nent enables you to reli­ably plan, doc­u­ment and mon­i­tor all the nutri­ent flows and asso­ci­at­ed activ­i­ties on your farm. Smart inter­faces allow you to sub­mit evi­dence quick­ly and eas­i­ly, and take care of manda­to­ry doc­u­men­ta­tion for you.*

  • Greater reli­a­bil­i­ty when plan­ning fer­til­i­sa­tion activ­i­ties and man­ag­ing nutri­ents, includ­ing sta­tus updates
  • Greater trans­paren­cy and ease when com­ply­ing with formalities
  • Fer­til­i­sa­tion records are trans­ferred straight from 365FarmNet. This avoids dupli­ca­tion and errors from copy­ing and pasting
  • Up-to-date sum­ma­ry of nutri­ent movements

Only avail­able in: DE

BASF AgSo­lu­tions Find­er – tar­get­ed pro­tec­tion for your plants.

The BASF AgSo­lu­tions Find­er com­po­nent helps you make deci­sions on the right plant pro­tec­tion prod­ucts to use

  • Plant pro­tec­tion prod­uct rec­om­men­da­tions for your spe­cif­ic cul­ti­va­tion circumstances
  • Makes choos­ing plant pro­tec­tion prod­ucts easier
  • Inte­grates plant pro­tec­tion prod­uct rec­om­men­da­tions into your 365FarmNet plans

Only avail­able in: DE, PL

Spray­ing Weath­er Effi­ca­cy – opti­mise your sched­uled spray­ing time.

The Spray­ing Weath­er Effi­ca­cy com­po­nent cal­cu­lates the opti­mum spray­ing time for a prod­uct based on its active sub­stance, the weath­er con­di­tions in your spe­cif­ic loca­tion and the growth stage of the crop you are growing.

  • Cal­cu­lates the opti­mum spray­ing time for all plant pro­tec­tion products
  • Analy­ses whether planned plant pro­tec­tion prod­uct treat­ments are still the best option for the sched­uled date and time
  • Auto­mat­ic mes­sage on the dash­board if a spe­cif­ic plant pro­tec­tion prod­uct needs to be rescheduled

Only avail­able in: DE

ISIP Sep­to­ria fore­cast – if and when to treat Sep­to­ria leaf blotch

How often and when Sep­to­ria leaf blotch should be treat­ed in win­ter wheat large­ly depends on the weath­er and the sus­cep­ti­bil­i­ty of your spe­cif­ic variety.

  • Use the ISIP Sep­to­ria fore­cast com­po­nent to auto­mat­i­cal­ly deter­mine the opti­mum time to apply a fungicide
  • Field-spe­cif­ic cal­cu­la­tion of when a Sep­to­ria trit­i­ci infes­ta­tion will occur as a result of weath­er conditions
  • Clear illus­tra­tion on your farm map of which fields are affect­ed, unaf­fect­ed or already treated

Only avail­able in: DE

Get into pre­ci­sion farm­ing with 365FarmNet

Our pre­ci­sion farm­ing solu­tions enable you to iden­ti­fy areas of poten­tial in your crop cul­ti­va­tion strat­e­gy and farm your fields sec­tion-specif­i­cal­ly. From soil sam­ple plan­ning and appli­ca­tion maps to field plan­ning, every­thing is in one place with 365FarmNet.

Maize sowing

Cre­ate doc­u­men­ta­tion auto­mat­i­cal­ly using our fleet man­age­ment solutions

365FarmNet’s dig­i­tal solu­tions enable you to hold data on all your machines and devices in a sin­gle soft­ware pro­gram. This allows you to obtain a com­plete overview of every move­ment, auto­mat­i­cal­ly doc­u­ment all your mea­sures and holis­ti­cal­ly eval­u­ate your processes.

Maize sowing

Crop cul­ti­va­tion fields of practice

Bureau­cra­cy, require­ments, doc­u­men­ta­tion duties and paper­work are get­ting more and more com­plex. These days, farm­ers are spend­ing more time in the office than out in the field. 365FarmNet and its var­i­ous apps put an end to that.

Plan well for good results

Good cul­ti­va­tion plan­ning for crop rota­tions and vari­eties is guid­ed by eco­nom­ic con­sid­er­a­tions, arable require­ments and reg­u­la­to­ry con­di­tions such as green­ing. On the one hand, crop rota­tions should be planned and adhered to over the long term, and on the oth­er, there must be room for flex­i­bil­i­ty should the para­me­ters sud­den­ly change. Dig­i­tal appli­ca­tions make it pos­si­ble to play out var­i­ous sce­nar­ios, thus pro­vid­ing vis­i­bil­i­ty and aid­ing deci­sion making.

Cre­ate doc­u­men­ta­tion reliably

Com­plex doc­u­men­ta­tion duties and require­ments mean that doc­u­men­ta­tion demands a great deal of time and care. Dig­i­tal field cat­a­logues are the only real solu­tion here. All your farm­ing activ­i­ties can be record­ed on the go by any­one, any­where, direct­ly in your field cat­a­logue. From tillage, sow­ing and fer­til­i­sa­tion to plant pro­tec­tion and har­vest­ing – all your data can be doc­u­ment­ed eas­i­ly and clear­ly. It’s easy to pro­vide evi­dence of your activ­i­ties in case of an inspection.

Make good deci­sions, fast

In farm­ing, you often need to make mul­ti­ple deci­sions simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and at speed. Dig­i­tal fore­cast­ing appli­ca­tions can help when it comes to dis­ease, weath­er con­di­tions and plant pro­tec­tion require­ments. A reli­able data­base is anoth­er pre­req­ui­site for good deci­sion mak­ing. High-qual­i­ty, detailed doc­u­men­ta­tion forms the basis for fur­ther eval­u­a­tions, and can there­fore help with deci­sion mak­ing and process opti­mi­sa­tion on farms.

Com­ply safe­ly with fer­tilis­er regulations

The require­ments set by fer­tilis­er reg­u­la­tions are con­tin­u­al­ly increas­ing. Fer­til­i­sa­tion activ­i­ties must now be record­ed with­in a time frame of two days. Record­ing all your nutri­ent move­ments as they hap­pen is a huge chal­lenge, in addi­tion to feed deliv­er­ies and min­er­al fer­tilis­er pur­chas­es, for exam­ple. Dig­i­tal appli­ca­tions can sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce the amount of time spent on documentation.

Take your first steps into dig­i­tal farm­ing with the click of a button.

Save time, mon­ey and resources now with the lead­ing agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware from 365FarmNet — no down­loads, no hid­den costs, no risk.

Try it now for free
Christian Volck

„I was amazed at the avail­abil­i­ty of always hav­ing it close at hand on all my devices.“

Chris­t­ian Vol­ck, Crop Cul­ti­va­tion, Rönnau

This is how it works:

365FarmNet makes the move to dig­i­tal farm­ing eas­i­er for you.

Reg­is­ter for free

Sim­ply acti­vate your account – no down­load or instal­la­tion required.

Reg­is­ter for free

Cre­ate mas­ter data

By record­ing the mas­ter data, you can ben­e­fit from the analy­sis and doc­u­men­ta­tion functions.

View tuto­r­i­al

Add com­po­nents

Also enter the func­tions that fit your busi­ness perfectly.

Dis­cov­er components

Use 365FarmNet on the go

With our free farm­ing apps, you can man­age your farm from anywhere.

Get to know the apps