ISIP Sep­to­ria prognosis.

Sep­to­ria leaf blotch – whether to treat it and when.

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The 365FarmNet com­po­nent ISIP Sep­to­ria prognosis

With the assis­tance of the ISIP Sep­to­ria prog­no­sis improve your con­trol strat­e­gy now through auto­mat­ic deter­mi­na­tion of the opti­mum time for the fungi­cide appli­ca­tion. The dai­ly, site- spe­cif­ic cal­cu­la­tion of the risk of infec­tion on the basis of the SEP­TRI mod­el of ZEPP takes the BBCH state and dis­ease sus­cep­ti­bil­i­ty of the vari­ety into account. This is how first Sep­to­ria lesions fol­low­ing infes­ta­tion on top lay­ers of leaves can be iden­ti­fied and the best time for phy­tosan­i­tary mea­sures can be determined.

ISIP Septoria prognosis

The mod­ule ISIP Sep­to­ria prog­no­sis offers:

ISIP Septoria prognosis
  • Site-spe­cif­ic cal­cu­la­tion of the peri­od when weath­er-relat­ed infec­tions of Sep­to­ria trit­i­ci on the three top­most lay­ers of leaves occur – on the basis of detailed weath­er data from ISIP servers – to an accu­ra­cy of a square Kilometer
  • Cal­cu­la­tion of the opti­mum date of treat­ment by means of the ini­tial infec­tion of the third lay­er of leaves
  • Clear graph­ic dis­play of the infect­ed, dis­ease-free and treat­ed plots of land in the farm map
  • Auto­mat­ic pre­s­e­lec­tion of the plots in ques­tion with the same treat­ment date in order to plan phy­tosan­i­tary mea­sures direct­ly via the farm map
  • Fore­cast when the first Sep­to­ria lesions would appear on the top lay­ers of leaves if no or only one insuf­fi­cient plant pro­tec­tion mea­sure took place. This is how you will know whether or not the treat­ment was effective
  • Pro­vi­sion of active fore­casts from March until the end of June inclusive
    Access to the com­plete fore­cast his­to­ry as long as the com­po­nent is active
  • Dis­play of fur­ther dan­gers of infec­tion also after ini­tial infection

Test con­di­tions

  • 10 days of free tri­al access.
  • The test phase ends auto­mat­i­cal­ly with no sub­se­quent obligations.
  • Unre­strict­ed func­tions dur­ing the test period.


  • The min­i­mum price for the com­po­nent is 2.00 €/month excl. VAT. This allows you to use the com­po­nent for 50 hectares.
  • Pric­ing depend­ing on hectare size of the farm, i.e. the price for 100 ha amounts to 3.33 €/month excl. VAT.

Con­tract terms

  • Atten­tion: The use of this com­po­nent is lim­it­ed to the Ger­man market.
  • Min­i­mum term of one month.
  • After expi­ra­tion of the min­i­mum term the con­tract is auto­mat­i­cal­ly extend­ed by one month at a time.
  • After expi­ra­tion of the min­i­mum term the con­tract may be ter­mi­nat­ed at the end of the cur­rrent account­ing month.
  • The ter­mi­na­tion can be sub­mit­ted by can­celling the com­po­nent online via the 365FarmNet Shop.
  • The invoic­ing occurs togeth­er with oth­er booked mod­ules, based upon the exist­ing size of the farm at the end of the account­ing month. In the first month of use, there may be a pro rata billing. Changes to the farm size affect the month­ly price of the module.
  • Active fore­casts are avail­able from March until the end of June inclusive.
  • Review of the fore­cast his­to­ry only pos­si­ble while the com­po­nent is active. 

Note from ISIP:
Instruc­tions for appro­pri­ate action for fol­low-on treat­ments can­not be issued as the com­po­nent is not able to eval­u­ate the pro­tec­tive per­for­mance of fungi­cides used.

Christian Volck

„I was amazed at the avail­abil­i­ty of always hav­ing it close at hand on all my devices.“

Chris­t­ian Vol­ck, Crop Cul­ti­va­tion, Rönnau

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