With us, smart farm­ing is part of every­day life.

Dig­i­tal solu­tions for farm man­age­ment, fleet man­age­ment and pre­ci­sion farm­ing: Get to know our farm man­age­ment appli­ca­tions in the new CLAAS connect!

Your part­ner for farm management

365FarmNet offers com­pre­hen­sive solu­tions for farm man­age­ment: Since Octo­ber 2024, our inno­v­a­tive appli­ca­tions are avail­able in the new CLAAS con­nect across more than 30 coun­tries world­wide — cov­er­ing every­thing from oper­a­tions man­age­ment to fleet man­age­ment and pre­ci­sion farming.

If you are already using 365FarmNet, you can con­tin­ue to work as usu­al. Our cus­tomer ser­vice team will, of course, still be at your dis­pos­al. Please note that new reg­is­tra­tions for 365FarmNet are no longer possible.

Join us in the future of con­nect­ed farm man­age­ment with CLAAS con­nect and ben­e­fit from inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies for your operation.

More about CLAAS connect

365FarmNet in CLAAS connect

Our farm man­age­ment solu­tions have excelled in prac­tice, assist­ing our clients dai­ly in their tasks. Draw­ing on our years of expe­ri­ence in agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware devel­op­ment and valu­able prac­ti­cal feed­back, we have co-devel­oped the new CLAAS connect.

Task man­age­ment: Proven solu­tion redesigned

In the tra­di­tion of pre­serv­ing and devel­op­ing good things, we have designed task man­age­ment in the new CLAAS connect.

Dis­cov­er the advantages:

  • More infor­ma­tion in the task overview
  • Improved fil­ter functions
  • New dia­logue for inte­grat­ing unknown mas­ter data
  • New: Direct jump from the task to the geo­cen­ter for fur­ther pro­cess­ing of field data
  • New: View addi­tion­al counter val­ues for all import­ed data in your files

Pre­ci­sion Farm­ing with the Geocenter

With the new CLAAS con­nect, agri­cul­tur­al busi­ness­es in over 30 coun­tries ben­e­fit from our updat­ed and expand­ed pre­ci­sion farm­ing appli­ca­tions. CLAAS con­nect pro­vides a cen­tral “tool­box” through the Geo­cen­ter for every­thing relat­ed to:

  • Area and satel­lite data,
  • Yield maps,
  • Soil sam­ples,
  • Machine posi­tions,
  • Cre­at­ing poten­tial and appli­ca­tion maps.

From the office to the equip­ment: Route plan­ning and easy data transfer.

The new CLAAS con­nect takes route man­age­ment and plan­ning to a new lev­el. All func­tion­al­i­ties are now com­bined in one seam­less appli­ca­tion. Your planned routes are auto­mat­i­cal­ly inte­grat­ed into the planned tasks and can be export­ed direct­ly to your CEMIS 1200 if required.

Route man­age­ment is avail­able in the Farm Man­age­ment sec­tion of the new CLAAS connect:

  • Overview of all ref­er­ence lines with and with­out field reference
  • New: Quick view of the assigned machine, work­ing width and turn­ing radius
  • Edit­ing and dupli­ca­tion of ref­er­ence lines
  • Renam­ing of ref­er­ence lines
  • Assign­ment to a field
  • Export­ing and delet­ing a ref­er­ence line

To facil­i­tate seam­less usage of ref­er­ence lines, the cre­ation is embed­ded direct­ly with­in the ref­er­ence line management:

  • Select­ing the machine per­form­ing the task for direct assign­ment when send­ing the order to a machine
  • Con­sid­er­ing the work­ing width and turn­ing radius
  • Includ­ing head­land lines in the planning
  • Adjust­ing lines to the right and left
  • Rotat­ing lines at an angle to the right and left

Many new fea­tures sup­port you every day.

Expe­ri­ence seam­less inte­gra­tion from task plan­ning to appli­ca­tion maps, or from the map cat­a­log to task exe­cu­tion. The con­tin­u­ous func­tions and high per­for­mance of the new CLAAS con­nect make man­ag­ing and pro­cess­ing your data even eas­i­er now.

Dis­cov­er the new CLAAS con­nect – Farm Man­age­ment App – your com­pre­hen­sive tool for all farm man­age­ment func­tions, now con­ve­nient­ly com­bined in one place.

New fea­tures await you:

  • Work progress dis­play for CLAAS har­vest­ing machines to esti­mate pro­cess­ing time
  • Task man­age­ment with­in the app towards CEMIS 1200
  • Cre­ate mark­ers on the map and syn­chro­nise them with all app users, e.g. field entrances or gul­ly covers
  • Send doc­u­men­ta­tion as a PDF via email
  • Pro­cess­ing of machine orders.