Stock Basis.
Manage your stock levels digitally.
Manage your stock levels using the Stock Basis component
Simplify your stock level management using the Stock Basis component. The component uses data relevant to stock levels, such as plant protectant records that you have entered in the 365FarmNet platform, and automatically reconciles it with your stock levels. This enables you to manage and monitor the quantity and value of all your stock, and directly enter purchases and sales.
Manage stock levels automatically with the Stock Basis component.
Always keep an eye on your stock levels. The Stock Basis component enables stock levels to be reconciled against documented supplies and quantities, and adjusted accordingly after a work process has been completed.
Sowing, fertilisation and plant protection – Store your seed purchase data and always keep an eye on your stock levels with automatic quantity adjustments after activity completion.
Test conditions
- 10 days of free trial access
- The test phase ends automatically with no subsequent obligations
- Unlimited functionality during the test period
- The minimum price for the component is 0.60 EUR/month for 50 ha total area excl. VAT.
- This means you can use the component for 50 ha
- Differential pricing depending on the ha size of the operation (Price calculator)
- Invoicing occurs together with other booked components in the first month of use, if applicable with pro rata invoicing for the component
Contract Terms
- Minimum term 1 month
- Once the minimum term has expired, the contract is automatically renewed for a period of 1 month
- The contract can be terminated with a notice period of one month from the end of the individual accounting month. However, not before the end of the minimum term
- Termination is carried out online at the 365FarmNet Shop by discontinuing the component
- Invoicing occurs together with other booked components in the first month of use, if applicable with pro rata invoicing for the component
- Invoicing occurs based on the farm size at the end of the month being invoiced. Changes to the farm size affect the monthly price of the component
The Stock Basis module is available exclusively in Germany, France, Austria and Poland.