Plan de fumure by ARVALIS.
Create fertiliser reports and nitrogen plans with ease.
365FarmNet component Plan de fumure by ARVALIS
With Plan de Fumure by ARVALIS and 365FarmNet fertilization report and nitrogen plan can be done more easily. The customer has just to go on the Plan de Fumure by ARVALIS button on 365FarmNet and he will be guided through all relevant requirements.
Regarding calculation, agronomic parameters and reglementation you will be constantly updated.
The Plan de fumure by ARVALIS component offers:
- Document your fertilization activities. Tab “Réalisé” allow you to document all your fertilization activities quickly and easily. You can made group entries, but you can also choose to document field by field. If you already have some data in 365FarmNet, these will be automatically filled in FERTIWEB and you can modify or update them if necessary.
- Manage your livestock effluents. Tab “Troupeau” allow you to calculate the amount of livestock manure produced (CORPEN standards) and available at your farm level. Analyzes of your own livestock effluents can be integrated and replace the reference values taken by default.
- Record / visualize crop information. Tab “Parcellaire” allow you to find all reglementary information (potentially spreadable surfaces), agronomic (soil type…), and crop. Everything is done to simplify entries: if you already have data stored in 365FarmNet, they will be automatically filled in and you can modify or update them if necessary.
- Calculate your complete manure plan. Tab “Fumure” allow you to carry out a complete nitrogen plan (N,P,K) for the main species cultivated in France (grain crops, forage crops and grasslands, vegetables, vine and fruit production.
- Print your regulatory and agronomic documents. You will be able to print a wide range of reports (per field or group of fields), printable in PDF, essential in case of control and used daily in the fertilizer management.
Data sharing
In order to be able to use this partner component, it is important that the following data categories are released. With the data release I hereby agree that the individual data from the data categories listed are also transferred to the provider of the partner component so that they can make available the functionalities requested in the partner component.
- Field information
- Crop information
- Variety information
- Operating information
- Operations
Test conditions
- 10 days of free trial access
- The test phase ends automatically with no subsequent obligations
- Unlimited functionality during the test period
- The minimum price for the component is 10.00 EUR/month for 1 Account excl. VAT.
Contract terms
- Minimum term 1 month
- Once the minimum term has expired, the contract is automatically renewed for a period of 1 month
- The contract can be terminated with a notice period of one month from the end of the individual accounting month. However, not before the end of the minimum term
- Termination is carried out online at the 365FarmNet Shop by discontinuing the component
- Invoicing occurs together with other booked components in the first month of use, if applicable with pro rata invoicing for the component
- Invoicing will occur at a fixed price per account
The module Plan de fumure by ARVALIS is only available in France.