
Use Dat­a­Con­nect to man­age machine data from CLAAS, John Deere, Case IH, STEYR, New Hol­land and 365FarmNet in a sin­gle system.

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Dat­a­Con­nect – CLAAS, John Deere, CNH Indus­tri­al and 365FarmNet in a sin­gle system

Dat­a­Con­nect allows rel­e­vant machine data from CLAAS TELEM­AT­ICS, John Deere Oper­a­tions Cen­ter, AFS Con­nect, the telem­at­ics plat­form of Case IH, MyPLM Con­nect for New Hol­land, and S‑Tech for STEYR and 365FarmNet to be man­aged in a sin­gle sys­tem. Machine data are cen­tral­ly con­trolled in one of the CLAAS, John Deere, CNH Indus­tri­al or 365FarmNet sys­tems via an inter­face pro­vid­ed by Dat­a­Con­nect. This allows the entire machine fleet to be shown live, regard­less of the machine man­u­fac­tur­er. Users are free to choose their pre­ferred sys­tem for man­ag­ing and con­trol­ling the machine data. A cloud-to-cloud con­nec­tion allows data on the fol­low­ing para­me­ters to be exchanged automatically:

  • Machine posi­tions
  • Machine speeds
  • Machine/work sta­tus and
  • Tank fill levels.
DataConnect brands

Use Dat­a­Con­nect to exchange teleme­try data via cloud

Combine harvester working on a wheat field. Combine harvester Aerial view.

Most of the time, machine data are tied to the rel­e­vant machine man­u­fac­tur­ers’ por­tals for analy­sis and con­trol. But Dat­a­Con­nect opens up new pos­si­bil­i­ties. This non-pro­pri­etary cloud-to-cloud solu­tion, which is open to the indus­try, allows busi­ness­es to man­age data on their entire machine fleets with­in their pre­ferred sys­tem of one of the Dat­a­Con­nect part­ners. Fleet man­age­ment, process opti­mi­sa­tion and resource util­i­sa­tion are now no longer restrict­ed to a par­tic­u­lar sys­tem, but can instead be bun­dled for all machines to pro­vide an opti­mal overview. No addi­tion­al hard­ware or soft­ware ele­ments are nec­es­sary for using this solu­tion. Data are col­lect­ed via one of the part­ner sys­tems as before. Data can then be exchanged via the Dat­a­Con­nect inter­face and con­trolled and mon­i­tored with­in the user’s pre­ferred sys­tem. A machine from a Dat­a­Con­nect part­ner and access to a part­ner por­tal are required for being able to exchange data.

Link machine data and work process­es via the 365Active Sys­tem and DataConnect

With 365FarmNet, busi­ness­es are able to use non-pro­pri­etary solu­tions through­out right from the start. This abil­i­ty is now being expand­ed with Dat­a­Con­nect. The com­bi­na­tion with the 365Active Sys­tem allows record­ed activ­i­ties to be linked to machine data. The 365Active Sys­tem doc­u­ments all work process­es by hav­ing 365ActiveBoxes fit­ted to machines from any man­u­fac­tur­er for the auto­mat­ic col­lec­tion of activ­i­ty data. These data can then be linked to machine data from CLAAS TELEM­AT­ICS, the John Deere Oper­a­tions Cen­ter, AFS Con­nect, MyPLM Con­nect or S‑Tech via Dat­a­Con­nect. Linked data can be shown in the farm map and serve as a basis for mak­ing book­ing suggestions.

DataConnect Screenshot
Christian Volck

„I was amazed at the avail­abil­i­ty of always hav­ing it close at hand on all my devices.“

Chris­t­ian Vol­ck, Crop Cul­ti­va­tion, Rönnau

This is how it works:

365FarmNet makes the move to dig­i­tal farm­ing eas­i­er for you.

Reg­is­ter for free

Sim­ply acti­vate your account – no down­load or instal­la­tion required.

Reg­is­ter for free

Cre­ate mas­ter data

By record­ing the mas­ter data, you can ben­e­fit from the analy­sis and doc­u­men­ta­tion functions.

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Also enter the func­tions that fit your busi­ness perfectly.

Dis­cov­er components

Use 365FarmNet on the go

With our free farm­ing apps, you can man­age your farm from anywhere.

Get to know the apps

Take your first steps into dig­i­tal farm­ing with the click of a button!

Save time, mon­ey and resources now with the lead­ing agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware from 365FarmNet — no down­loads, no hid­den costs, no risk.

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This may also inter­est you


Our ser­vice depart­ment is avail­able for you if you have any ques­tions about our free agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware. Also use our FAQ or help func­tion in 365FarmNet.


Com­po­nent overview

Many com­po­nents from top agri­cul­tur­al com­pa­nies await you. These can help you to increase the effi­cien­cy of your business.


Addi­tion­al pro­fes­sion­al applications

Also increase the effi­cien­cy of your busi­ness through numer­ous com­po­nents from top agri­cul­tur­al partners.
