After the har­vest is before the har­vest – doc­u­ment­ing and opti­miz­ing tillage.


The new sea­son starts with tillage. The plough­ing and cul­ti­vat­ing oper­a­tions are often under­es­ti­mat­ed – espe­cial­ly with regard to their costs. With 365FarmNet’s 365Active Sys­tem, you can eas­i­ly record any machine move­ment. This allows you to bet­ter coor­di­nate work process­es and pro­vides an overview of work­ing and down­times. In this regard, effi­cien­cy poten­tials are shown to you.

365FarmNet - Tillage

A post­ing pro­pos­al of the activ­i­ty is then gen­er­at­ed overnight. You can eas­i­ly check this pro­pos­al and, if nec­es­sary, con­firm or edit it. The activ­i­ty is then booked in your 365FarmNet account.

It’s that easy:

AgroPressure by Michelin

Tip: Anoth­er sim­ple way to save costs is to adjust the tire pres­sure to the machine com­bi­na­tion and the floor. This is pos­si­ble with the Agro­Pres­sure by Miche­lin module.

LACOS Field­plan­ner

LACOS Field planner

Togeth­er with LACOS, 365FarmNet now offers a pro­fes­sion­al solu­tion for track-plan­ning. For the first time, the com­po­nent com­bines saved field data with ref­er­ence lines – exclu­sive­ly on 365FarmNet.

You can see at a glance how many cross­ings and turns you need, where best to begin in your field, how you can save pre­cious time and avoid unnec­es­sary soil burden.

Press con­tact

Beat­rix Weinrich