Nev­er lose data again!

Minimise the chaos at your office!

It’s always the same sto­ry: You are out in the field, you jot down a few impor­tant thoughts, but then at the end of the day the piece of paper you jot­ted your notes on has dis­ap­peared along with your thought. What is the eas­i­est way to solve this prob­lem? It’s quite sim­ple – by enter­ing your thoughts into the 365Pocket app right away.

How­ev­er, data can also be lost dur­ing the tedious task of trans­fer­ring your notes from paper to your com­put­er. That can be very eas­i­ly avoid­ed using the CSV export.

Thanks to the 365Pocket app, you have the option of export­ing the work pro­ce­dures and data that you have entered as a CSV file. You can eas­i­ly and con­ve­nient­ly send it to your­self or to some­one else with the click of a but­ton. This reduces the paper chaos on your desk and saves you from hav­ing to do addi­tion­al work.

365Pocket App

So, the chaos at your office stays under control.

Your advan­tages with 365Pocket:

  • Easy data export.
  • No dupli­cate data entry.
  • Overview of oper­a­tional workflows.
  • No reg­is­tra­tion necessary!

Down­load the 365Pocket App now for free.

Download now at Google Play.
Jetzt im App Store laden.

Good­bye paperwork!

Dig­i­tal agri­cul­ture is so easy. Being able to quick­ly enter notes and cre­ate mas­ter data means that you always have your field map­ping ser­vice with you.

The prac­ti­cal func­tions and sim­pli­fied use allows the app to solve some of your prob­lems in no time. Even minor trans­mis­sion errors that like to sneak their way in from time to time when trans­fer­ring data from paper to your com­put­er can be reduced. This means that you can eas­i­ly com­plete your doc­u­men­ta­tion right on your mobile and thus spend less time at the office.

Less paper chaos, more time.

Less paper chaos, more time for your crop production.

Sim­ply doc­u­ment now and analyse at home.

Say good­bye to time-con­sum­ing “pen and paper doc­u­men­ta­tion” and say hel­lo to easy and con­ve­nient work right on your smart­phone. Thanks to the 365Pocket app, you can meet your doc­u­men­ta­tion require­ments at any­time and any­where with­out hav­ing to spend a lot of time.

Three easy steps to less paperwork:

Download the app and get started today.

Step 1:
Down­load the 365Pocket app for free from Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iOS).

Step 2:
Start direct­ly in the app. No reg­is­tra­tion necessary.

Step 3:
Sat­is­fy your doc­u­men­ta­tion require­ments with just a few easy clicks.

Good­bye office chaos — this is how easy doc­u­men­ta­tion can be.

Office work is time-con­sum­ing and, as a farmer, you would rather be fol­low­ing your pas­sion in the fields instead of hav­ing to take care of end­less piles of paper in the office. That is why we at 365FarmNet devel­oped a very sim­ple solu­tion. With the 365Pocket app, your post-it lifestyle is a thing of the past and you have a dig­i­tal solu­tion for your office chaos. Click, type, done!

Get start­ed now and down­load the 365Pocket app for free.

Download now at Google Play.
Download on the App Store.