The spread­ing of liq­uid manure starts again from February.

The block­ing peri­od ends on 31 Jan­u­ary and farm­ers are per­mit­ted to spread manure again. How­ev­er, increas­ing “manure tourism” has been cre­at­ed by the new fer­tilis­er ordi­nance. More and more trav­el routes are dri­ven on roads and cost mon­ey. Do you know how much time your machines spend on the road? How can trav­el, work or down­times be doc­u­ment­ed sim­ply and quick­ly? Our 365Active Sys­tem will help you as a farmer to get a bet­ter view of these points and com­ply with your ver­i­fi­ca­tion obligations.

If you spread liq­uid fer­tilis­ers on your fields, you can enter the jour­neys to and from the manure load­ing sta­tion using the 365Active sys­tem. As a result, the quan­ti­ty spread can be doc­u­ment­ed pre­cise­ly. As soon as the machine is start­ed, the dri­ver no longer needs to wor­ry about the doc­u­men­ta­tion and can con­cen­trate entire­ly on the work process.

Diagram of the modes of operation of the 365Active system.
Reg­is­ter for free.

The 365Active Sys­tem auto­mat­i­cal­ly doc­u­ments work process­es and enters them in the form of a book­ing pro­pos­al in the 365FarmNet por­tal. At the same time, the fields, work and down­times, machines, peo­ple and the amount spread are also recorded.

What do you need to use the 365Active System?

  1. 365Active App
  2. 365ActiveBoxes
  3. Active­Doc

Active­Doc is an addi­tion­al pay­ment mod­ule that stores your data longer than 24 hours and pro­vides you with book­ing sug­ges­tions for the por­tal. With the 365Active sys­tem, your records of the machine data are not saved long term.

Diagram of the modes of operation of the 365Active system.

Advan­tages of “Active­Docs”.

The “Active­Doc” mod­ule pro­vides var­i­ous advan­tages. These include, for example:

  • The auto­mat­ed doc­u­men­ta­tion makes it pos­si­ble to review mea­sures in detail and ensures a high-qual­i­ty database.
  • Record­ing work­ing hours, down­times and trav­el time can reveal poten­tial sav­ings in machine utilisation.
  • Book­ing pro­pos­als for till­ing, fer­til­i­sa­tion, seed­ing and plant pro­tec­tion mea­sures are pro­vid­ed in the por­tal for your 365FarmNet account.

The time­ly work­ing in of liq­uid manure is pre­scribed by the leg­is­la­tor to reduce nitro­gen emis­sions and the asso­ci­at­ed N loss­es. The sys­tem can also be advan­ta­geous here, since oper­a­tions of oth­er machines can be record­ed at the same time in addition.

Try it our 365Active sys­tem when trans­port­ing liq­uid manure! Order the 365ActiveBoxes online today and reap the benefits.