Have you already doc­u­ment­ed your sowing?
Now you can do that straight from the field!

Octo­ber is draw­ing to a close and in many parts of Ger­many, wheat still has to be drilled. On fields where sug­ar beets have been cleared or corn maize threshed, a late sow­ing of win­ter wheat is essential.

How­ev­er, sow­ing was also delayed com­pared to oth­er years due to the damp weath­er at the begin­ning of Octo­ber. The remain­ing areas must, there­fore, now be cul­ti­vat­ed as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. Oth­er­wise, the yield poten­tial will be lost.

Farmer woman with digital tablet

Under time pres­sure, the doc­u­men­ta­tion is some­times post­poned to win­ter. How­ev­er, when one has man­aged to get to the com­put­er at the sup­pos­ed­ly less stress­ful time, the pre­cise data is often missing.

“On which date did I drill the field at the forester’s lodge? And how many kg/ha was it?”

At first, it’s for­giv­able. How­ev­er, if one is con­front­ed again a year lat­er with the ques­tion of what the opti­mum sow­ing den­si­ty would be at the right time for sow­ing, the pre­vi­ous inac­cu­ra­cy becomes a source of frustration.

Exact data on sow­ing dates and sow­ing den­si­ty are essen­tial for con­tin­u­ous improve­ment in the upcom­ing har­vest years. Final­ly, you will gain expe­ri­ence, for exam­ple, that sow­ing win­ter grains too ear­ly leads to a high­er sus­cep­ti­bil­i­ty to dis­ease and, thus, to a high­er use of crop pro­tec­tion prod­ucts. Or you can see from your fields that a slight­ly high­er sow­ing den­si­ty can reduce the use of fer­tilis­er dur­ing the tiller­ing phase. Such infor­ma­tion is the basis of future improve­ments and growth for your business.

“But how can I as a farmer still have time for my doc­u­men­ta­tion dur­ing wheat sowing?”

Con­ve­nient doc­u­men­ta­tion in three sim­ple steps:

Illustration 365Crop App

What are you wait­ing for?
Stop putting doc­u­men­ta­tion on the back burn­er and record your work immediately.
Reg­is­ter for free at 365FarmNet!

Reg­is­ter free of charge

The 365Crop app lets you doc­u­ment it straight from the field!

As a 365FarmNet user, you always have access to your field map­ping ser­vice and can eas­i­ly doc­u­ment your activ­i­ties in the 365Crop app from your smart­phone or tablet with just a few clicks.

The pre­req­ui­site for this is that your fields, machines and oper­at­ing resources have already been entered. Even staff, appren­tices or fam­i­ly mem­bers can book work themselves.

This makes col­lab­o­rat­ing even more efficient.

365Crop App

Get the free 365Crop App

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Have your machines doc­u­ment­ed for you: From the ter­mi­nal to the por­tal via ISO-XML.

Do you cre­ate orders on the ter­mi­nal dur­ing your dai­ly work in the field?

Then you no longer have to enter your activ­i­ties man­u­al­ly. Once the work is done, you can con­ve­nient­ly import the required data from your machine’s ISOBUS ter­mi­nal into the 365FarmNet por­tal via a USB stick. Check the book­ing pro­pos­al once, then the doc­u­men­ta­tion is complete.

Are you get­ting tired of the tedious main­te­nance of the field map­ping ser­vice? Go to the 365FarmNet por­tal now and test the “ISO-XML” com­po­nent for free.


Press con­tact

Klaus-Her­bert Rolf