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The grain har­vest is in full swing. Yields have var­ied a great deal by region in the past. Accord­ing to the Ger­man Farm­ers’ Asso­ci­a­tion (Deutsch­er Bauern­ver­band – DBV) win­ter bar­ley achieved an aver­age yield in Ger­many of 7.1 t/ha. The yield is thus slight­ly below the fig­ures for 2013 to 2017.

An aver­age of 7.35 t/ha of win­ter bar­ley was har­vest­ed dur­ing this period.
An aver­age of 6 t/ha is expect­ed for win­ter wheat. The yield here is as much as 25% below aver­age: an aver­age of 8 t/ha of win­ter wheat was har­vest­ed in Ger­many from 2013 to 2017.

365FarmNet - Yield mapping

The low pre­cip­i­ta­tion this year, among oth­er things, has led to rel­a­tive­ly low yields. How­ev­er, the har­vest­ing con­di­tions have been ide­al. The plants have with­stood the weath­er well through­out the past few weeks and it has most­ly not been nec­es­sary to let the wheat dry out.

It has been pos­si­ble to col­lect a lot of infor­ma­tion dur­ing the grain har­vest, which will also be sig­nif­i­cant to some extent for the com­ing har­vest year. For exam­ple, it is pos­si­ble to mea­sure the yield and corn mois­ture using sen­sors. The yield read­ings are record­ed every one to two sec­onds and are linked with pre­cise, cor­rect­ed GPS sig­nals. This gen­er­ates geo­graph­ic coor­di­nates that cre­ate a yield map when collated.

Yield map­ping pro­vides infor­ma­tion about the prop­er­ties and the poten­tial of the field. But it is also used to mon­i­tor suc­cess and it shows the extent to which pre­vi­ous mea­sures have been suc­cess­ful – such as fer­til­i­sa­tion, for exam­ple. The data obtained using CLAAS TELEM­AT­ICS can be import­ed into the 365FarmNet account and then be visualised.

Press con­tact

Beat­rix Weinrich